INDIA / With Photographer Holly Jan from Island Visuals

INDIA / With Photographer Holly Jan from Island Visuals

Holly, you recently had the most incredible trip to India, shooting Kinga Csilla. The collection launched earlier this month and we are so excited having the imagery out in the world – we’re obsessed! Tell us a little bit about your time in India.

Congratulations on the launch KC! It was a pleasure to shoot for you ladies again. This was my first time in India but one of the girls I was traveling with had been before! We landed in Delhi and drove straight to Jaipur, Rajasthan where we spent 2 weeks. We stayed in the Jaipur area as a lot of our shoots were in that area but if I were to go back I’d definitely want to explore more. We stayed in 2 different areas but my favorite spot was this cute little hotel on the outskirts of town called House of Jasol.

I’ve visited India before – had the most incredible trip - but it definitely gave me a bit of culture shock at first. The cities are rich with colour, sound and people. How did you go shooting around some of the busier sights? I’m sure a group of people with equipment, models and the whole production might have caught some attention in the streets. Was everyone accommodating? Did you feel nervous?

This is a good one. Hmmm  India IS beautiful, it’s full of colour, rich in culture and the food is amazing! But would I go back again to shoot? Probably not without more pre-trip prep.

Almost every one of our shoots had an unexpected hiccup! On our 3rd/4th day we were super lucky to meet a really nice guide outside a cafe who then stuck with us for the rest of the trip and ensured we were able to get our shoots done! He spoke on our behalf when needed with locals and guards at certain locations.

Your job seems like such a juggling act: a creative role, managing the business, and full production of the shoots. How do you find managing all of the different roles? Do you have any ride or die management tools that you couldn’t live without?:

 Absolutely, it's like spinning plates sometimes, but I enjoy being hands-on. My amazing stylist and assistant photographer are lifesavers during shoots! As for tools, Trello keeps me somewhat organized, but I also rely on good old Excel, Pinterest, Instagram, and Canva to keep everything in order. 

Interestingly, not only do you live an aspirational life full of international travel for your job… but you also live in a unique location, basing yourself in Kuta, Lombok. How did this come about?:

When I was 13, my family decided on a spontaneous move from Australia to Bali, eventually settling in Kuta, Lombok. At that time, Lombok was still quiet, and there weren't many kids my age around. Initially, I attended school in Bali, but my parents wanted me to learn about the hospitality industry, given their experience running 10 cafes in Australia. With plans to open a café in Lombok, they saw it as the perfect opportunity for me to learn the business while completing Year 11. So, we opened the first Australian-style café in Lombok, which has now been running for 9 years. Over time, the town has transformed with an influx of cafes, restaurants, international schools, gyms, spas, and supermarkets, making it a bustling area in South Lombok.

While we’re on the topic of Lombok… I’m planning a holiday there.

We know you'd never gate-keep your local tips, can you share your recos' for Kuta, Lombok? 


Depends on what you’re after!

Jati, Villa Alba, Lina Villas for a cute boutique stay in town.

Boni Beach also a super cute resort that is about 25-30 mins out of town, or Tampah Hills if you’re after a place to accommodate a group! 

Beaches to visit: Tanjung Ann, Selong Belanak, Mawun

Cute Cafes: Milk Espresso <3 best coffee in town, also my mama's place hehe, Bara, Munchies. 

Nice restaurants: Mama pizza, Munchies does an Italian menu at night and it’s bomb!, Bara, El Bazar, Boni Beach, Knalpot (cocktails are to die for).

Sunset bevies: Segara, Boni Beach rooftop, or a local beach Warung! 

So generous! Thank you Holly.

Before we leave you – a few rapid fire questions:

Death row meal: 


Go-to cocktail:

Hugo Spritz

Most worn piece in your wardrobe: 

Anything linen. I’m forever getting around in linen pants and shirts. They are so easy to throw on over swimwear.

Favourite holiday destination:


Bucket list destination: 

Sicily! Or Utah lol

I am ADDICTED to Yellowstone - if you haven’t already, watch it! So maybe Montana.

2024 mantra:

I'm a bit of a worrier, so something like: Free yourself from the burdens of the uncontrollable, and embrace the power of the present 


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