Hi there Kinga Kind
This week we have a super raw kind of sweet treat for you up our bell sleeves !
Since moving back to our old beach town of Manly, we have the absolute pleasure of bumping into old sunshine friends. Olivia and designer Lau go way way back to their distressed denim design days.
Now Lady Liv is a fully certified nutritionist and healthy lady about town. We had a tête-à-tête and a cuppa with her about nourishing food over the cooler months and how to get that magical glow she is forever radiating.
Come join us and indulge in Liv’s 'Radiate Me Bliss Balls’ recipe and for a sneaky peek of some of the new beauties arriving oh-so-soon.
Come join us to find Liv’s recipe 'Radiate Me Bliss Balls' and for a sneaky peek of some of the new beauties arriving oh-so-soon.
Winter is here and we are layered and ready.
Love, Kinga

What are your key pantry items?
This would have to be my number 1 asked question! While I could rattle off a mile long list I'll savour your time with 2 key pantry items are that are also key nutrients. 1. Green tea or matcha powder 2.Turmeric. Both are beyond mega rich antioxidant power house, seriously - nothing compares & they can be easily added to so many meals - smoothies, hot drinks, porridge, baking, curries, soups, stews. Get creative & invent your own golden ticket.
In a perfect world I would have a dish that successfully combines the two for a double dose powerhouse hit, however their tastes just don't mesh well together. So for the purpose of of this recipe I'm focusing on Turmeric. No other food compares when it comes to anti-infammatory benefits, it is literally a beam of immune building sunshine that will help you radiate from the inside out. I'm completely obsessed with creating healthy grab & go options to fill my lunch box, any combination of foods that can be rolled into blissful bite sized ball - savoury or sweet.
These radiant pretties are antioxidant rich, contain nutrients to balance those pesky hormones & blood glucose levels, and improve cognitive performance & energy production. Afternoon slumps no more, One of these babies coupled with a Dandilion Chai - you will be glowing from the inside out. Liv x x
Radiate Me Bliss Ball
Makes 15
1+1/4 cup of mixed seeds ( I used hemp, pepitas, sunflower seeds)
1/2 black or white chia seeds
2/3 cup cashews
1 tablespoon of cinnamon (dutch)
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
2 teaspoon maca powder
1/2 teaspoon minced ginger
10 medjool dates
70g dried figs
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste or extract
1/4 cup agave nectar (Raw honey is also great)
1/4 cup macadamia oil
Desiccated coconut for rolling
1. Combine all dry ingredients in food processor and pulse until fine.
2. Add all wet ingredients and mix well with hands.
3. Roll into 15 balls, refriderate for up to 1 week or freeze.
Liv Crumpton